
Errata: Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes – Third Edition

Errata: Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes – Third Edition

Original printing (246 pages, published April 1, 2004)

32TipFirst line JTS01 belongs to output block at bottom of previous page. Last two lines of tip text fell out of blue tip box.
44First OUTPUT block, prod_id column values:Should be: BR02 and BR03
44Second OUTPUT block, prod_id column values:Should be: BR01 BR02 and BR03
51Code snippet in noteMissing trailing )
52Analysis block.Final line of paragraph is extraneous and should be deleted.
60Table 8.2, LTRIM()The brackets pertaining to Access belong with the previous entry, LOWER()
63Second input block: ‘YY’Use the full four digit annotation (this is required in some DBMSs, including Oracle): ‘YYYY’
78Last line (before INPUT): So, how do you filter rows?Should be: So, how do you filter groups?
82Caution box, last line: ORDER BY 1Should be: ORDER BY 2
100Second to last line: In the next, lesson,Should be: In the next lesson,
125Second note, last line: laterShould be: latter
137First caution, words: DB2 requiresShould be: Some DBMSs require
167Code block, lines 4 and 8, first VALUES parameter: 20010Should be: 20100
168Note, second line: support for viewsShould be: support for cursors
177Second INPUT block, first lineShould be: ALTER TABLE Orders
183Note, second line: still does not support views (support for viewsShould be: still does not support triggers (support for triggers
1943rd and 4th bullets, URL to book page.Should be